Friday, December 18, 2009

The Beginning

Once upon a time, I was a college student, eager to learn and expand my horizons. Walking onto the brick-clad urban city block campus of USC, I jumped into the School of Architecture... not really knowing what it was I was jumping into exactly. All I knew was that I liked going to see model homes and that sounded like architecture to me.

Five years later, I graduated with a new appreciation for structure, space, sexy glass and change. I could do something, I could make a difference... I could make a name for myself.
Five years after that, I'm working the 9-6 (or so), reading zoning codes, drawing big-box retailers and striping parking lots. Though I am utilizing the skills and (some) knowledge from school, it's a completely different place than what my 23-year-old self had imagined while standing in cap and gown. Life has become the day-to-day routine that makes one wonder, "Is this it? This is what I worked so hard for?"

It's not so bad. There is some joy that can be found in preparing a new site plan, knowing that you really did it to the best of your ability and then knowing that it was going to work. But then there is always that something, that little nagging thought at the back of your mind. What is it trying to say? What is it trying to get you to do?

That's right. Be inspired.

I'll try... I'll return to the basics. I'll open my eyes. I'll learn again. I'll put the pen to the paper. I'll be inspired for the future. I'll open my sketchbook.

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